Community-based services describes both a department and the guiding principles we've followed since our earliest days - that every individual we serve, to the extent possible and desired, should have every opportunity to work, play, and volunteer in the community. Community-based services involve activities other than paid work, so you might see some of the individuals we serve volunteering at a church, at a pet shelter, or even filling Easter eggs for children in the community to hunt.
Orange Grove provides person-centered opportunities to explore, discover, and thrive in the community.
In response to federal regulatory changes affecting funding sources for programs and services offered to individuals with IDD, Orange Grove has made a significant transition in day services and seeks more opportunities for greater inclusion in the community. Individuals who were receiving services at the Orange Grove Center campus are being transitioned into the community to participate in competitive employment, volunteering, and recreation. Orange Grove's mission to serve individuals with IDD has not changed, and we will continue to engage community and business partners to maximize opportunities for individuals in the greater community.
Orange Grove complies with all HCBS settings rules and offers supervised programming that meets the therapeutic, medical, and social needs of each individual. Our innovative services meet the needs and desires of diverse people including: volunteerism, recreation, building community relationships, and job exploration.
Current volunteer partnerships include:
Volunteerism offers a sense of accomplishment, community inclusion, and the fostering of job skills sought by many people we support. During the 2016-17 fiscal year, our individuals volunteering through community-based services volunteered a total of 3,056 hours!
For more information about our Community Support Program, contact O'Dell Tiller at otiller@orangegrove.org or (423) 629-1451; ext. 2581.
Orange Grove Center
615 Derby Street | Chattanooga, TN 37404
423.629.1451 | development@orangegrove.org
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