clinical services
Orange Grove's Augustus McCravey Health Care Clinic offers a full service primary care clinic that provides treatment utilizing the Patient-Centered Medical Home model to any adult who chooses to make the clinic his or her primary care home. Staff, individuals in Orange Grove programs, and people in the community who choose the clinic for their primary care needs rely on professional, courteous care, as well as relationships with specialists in the community whenever referrals are necessary.
All services and procedures are rendered by professionals attuned to the cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral nuances of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.
We are currently accepting new patients and accept Medicare, All TennCare, Railroad Medicare and most private insurers.
dental clinic
Data shows that poor oral health and lack of access to dental care are experienced at a higher rate by those with disabilities. With that in mind, the dental clinic on our main campus at 615 Derby Street is a unique practice in our area, where anyone with an intellectual and/or developmental disability, regardless of their participation in Orange Grove programs, can be treated.
When creating treatment plans, the individual nuances of patients are always respected. Their needs and preferences may differ from that of a neurotypical patient; for instance, an individual may visit the clinic several times before they are comfortable enough to be examined. To mitigate potential adverse outcomes, the desensitization process is allowed to play out in real time, and all services in the clinic are done without the need for sedation. If needed, more involved dental procedures requiring sedation can still be performed by our team, who is credentialed at a local ambulatory surgery center.
As part of Orange Grove's effort to expand the curricula for clinical education programs to include units of study regarding patients with IDD, the clinic partners with the University of Tennessee, Memphis and Chattanooga State Community College. Every fourth-year dental student from UT spends one full day at our clinic, and Chattanooga State dental hygiene students do rotations at Orange Grove during their second year of study.
Phone: (423) 664-9432
Fax: 423-308-1164
Email: dentalclinic@orangegrove.org.
Please note that the Dental Clinic is not accepting new patients at this time.
The Orange Grove Speech Therapy department consists of three staff members who provide services in the areas of:
The ultimate goal of Orange Grove's Behavior Services Department is to reduce maladaptive behaviors in order to increase independence and level of functioning so that the individuals can enjoy the maximum benefit from programs and services.
Behavior analysts:
Due to COVID-19 and the existing caseload, the Speech Therapy department is not currently accepting outside patients, and is primarily doing teletherapy services only.
Missy Lewis or Bambi Troxell
Phone: 423-493-2940
Email: llewis@orangegrove.org ; broxell@orangegrove.org
Orange Grove Center
615 Derby Street | Chattanooga, TN 37404
423.629.1451 | development@orangegrove.org
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