Orange Grove's services and programs are designed to meet the needs of the
whole person. Accordingly, our offerings are diverse and tailored to each person we support. All services and programs at Orange Grove have as a singular purpose the best possible outcomes for the person supported. Those best possible outcomes are dependent on the wishes, dreams, goals, wants, and needs of each person.
The types of programs and services we offer are influenced by a number of factors, including the changing needs of those we support, availability of opportunities in the community for employment, volunteering, and leisure/recreation activities, a growing understanding about the particular challenges faced by the population we serve, and the legislative and regulatory framework in which Orange Grove must operate.
For many, the path to greater independence and fuller participation in the community is employment. Our goal is to match jobs with every individual who wants to work. Our job developers and job coaches work hard to ensure the success of both the individual and the employer: the individual by providing all necessary supports, the employer by helping them meet their business goals through their employees.
Orange Grove Center
615 Derby Street | Chattanooga, TN 37404
423.629.1451 | development@orangegrove.org
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